The Mineral and The Skeleton

A strong skeleton means a strong body, one that can keep you together and moving the rest of your life (which I wish you a long, healthy and happy one!). What keeps your skeleton strong? There are several things, but generally a plain and simple little mineral called calcium is what gives all the bones of your skeleton strength. Let’s talk, then, about what calcium does for your bones and how you can be assured that you get enough of it so your skeleton stays strong.

You Can Prevent the Leading Cause of Blindness Through Good Nutrition

Every year hundreds of thousands of people go blind because of macular degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. Fortunately, if you get the right nutrients, you can go a long way to preventing it.

Alcohol In Moderation Can Have Health Benefits

To be sure, there is conflicting medical advice available about alcohol drinking. However, the key word to remember is moderation. Heavy drinking always leads to health problems. It can adversely affect your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and bladder. It can lead to diabetes, depression, breast cancer, not to mention numerous social problems. What do I mean by heavy drinking? More than 2 drinks a day, 7 days a week. Yet, recent research shows that moderate alcohol, 1 drink a day, or less, can actually protect your health. Let me explain why.

The Top Five Healing Fruits and Vegetables

Of course I don’t need to tell you that fresh fruits and vegetables play a vital role in healthy eating habits. At the very minimum, you should eat five servings of produce each day. Seven is even better, and nine is really great. The reason fruits and vegetables are so important is that they are packed with micronutrients that help your body to support specific systems.

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