Microwaves…Friend Or Foe?

I have to admit that a microwave is not the healthiest way to cook. I’m sure most of you have been using a microwave for some time so please don’t stop entirely on account of what I’m about to tell you. But I am going to suggest you limit using it to preparing the occasional snack or disinfecting your kitchen sponges. There is enough evidence to suggest that they can destroy important nutrients in your food.

Palm Trees Do More Than Shade You From The Sun…Coconut Oil and Palm Oil Are Both Essential To Your Diet

Good Fats…Bad Fats…it can be very confusing to many of us. But despite a growing understanding of fats—what makes a good fat or a bad fat and why your body absolutely needs fat—there are still a number of myths and misunderstandings out there I need to make clear.

It’s High Noon…The Showdown is Good Fats vs Bad Fats

Back in the 90’s there was no question about “fats”. Simply all fats were bad for you. And because of the lack of research in this subject matter, most doctors probably instructed you to stay away from them.
But with new studies being performed things have gotten a little more complicated these days when it comes to the pros and cons of fats in your diet. That’s why I would like to take a few moments of your time to set the record straight.

Green Tea May Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

It usually starts in the small joints of your hands. They become hot and inflamed. They feel stiff and difficult to move. As the condition progresses, other joints will be affected. Your cartilage will be damaged. You may also experience fatigue, general muscle soreness, weakness, and depression.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be a truly debilitating condition, so I am always on the look out for promising non-invasive ways to treat the condition. Just recently, green tea came to the fore as a possible way to relieve RA symptoms.

Cranberries Pack In The Health Benefits Any Time Of Year

Like most berries, cranberries are loaded with antioxidants. But the health benefits don’t stop there. A review of clinical studies shows that cranberries fight free radicals and have an anti-inflammatory affect in the body. These two actions can help to promote good heart health. Get the most out of cranberries.

Make Sure You Get Enough Of This Lifesaving Vitamin

If you’re like most Americans, you slather on sunscreen before going outside, you wear sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat, and you stay indoors during the peak hours of the day. It turns out, you may have gone a little overboard. Sunlight is your body’s main source of vitamin D. When sunlight hits your skin it catalyzes the production of vitamin D, and vitamin D is very, very important to your health.

Do You Know What’s in Your Favorite Energy Drink?

I do think there’s a time and place when energy drinks can be useful, especially during high exercise moments when you can become extremely dehydrated. But on the flipside these drinks pack in quite a lot of calories with their loaded high fructose corn syrup. Because of that, these drinks are definitely not something I’d put into the “everyday consumption” category. I also think there are better alternatives for a natural energy boost.

The Top Five Healing Fruits and Vegetables

Of course I don’t need to tell you that fresh fruits and vegetables play a vital role in healthy eating habits. At the very minimum, you should eat five servings of produce each day. Seven is even better, and nine is really great. The reason fruits and vegetables are so important is that they are packed with micronutrients that help your body to support specific systems.

Beat Constipation With Food, Not Drugs

Unfortunately, the typical American diet is sadly devoid of fiber. And if you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from gas, constipation, and bloating the lack of fiber could be placing your health in risk. Not eating enough fiber could be the catalyst to many serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Enhance Your Health With Disease-Busting Spices

I’ve been using a lot of different spices. I learned that many of them not only enhance the taste of my food but are also very healthy for you. Today I want to recommend a few tasty spices that can help protect you from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis… even Alzheimer’s.

Diabetes and low testosterone

Several of my male patients who are troubled with low testosterone levels have also been found to have type 2 diabetes. In fact, the two conditions share many of the same symptoms (see more below) like erectile dysfunction and fatigue, which are usually symptoms that bring male patients in to see me. Balancing the two hormones of insulin and testosterone are not only important to a man’s sexual function but also to his overall good health – in fact, his life may even depend on it.

The Proven Way To Prevent Heart Disease

There is a potent, proven medication for those at risk of heart disease and stroke. It is safe, inexpensive and easy to administer. Furthermore, you probably have a bottle of it in your medicine cabinet right now. It’s aspirin, and if you don’t already know about the beneficial effects of this drug for heart disease, … Read more

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